Episode 17: 10 Ways To End The Christmas Silly Season And Fall Back Down To Banality

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this Comedy Horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from our brood of bloody pretendarian vampires, soul suckers, and time-traveling PHD students who fail to make the grade and then write their winging letters to me so that I can make their conditions infinitely better or worse. The difference is negligible in this fatally efficient machine called having a banal life. Welcome to Episode 17: 10 WAYS TO END THE CHRISTMAS SILLY SEASON AND FALL BACK DOWN TO BANALITY. Who needs tinsel when you sleep with your favourite mummified anxiety disorder EVERY NIGHT? That is if you get any. Sleep that is.


Episode 18: Love is Dead & The Spell


Episode 16: New Year’s Resolutions for Zombies