The Vigilante Cannibal Nun

as Agony Aunt podcast

What is The Vigilante Cannibal Nun as Agony Aunt?

The Vigilante Cannibal Nun as Agony Aunt is a fictional comedy horror SCI FI podcast. Every Tuesday, your host, The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, reads two letters from her emotionally ill-fettered listeners, salivates over their problems, and vomits up solutions, at their expense and for everyone else’s pleasure. The Vigilante Cannibal Nun is a sin eater, well equipped to solve a little emotional problem or two, with victims sending in their letters from across time and space, cutting through all categories of Horror and SCI FI genre. Each episode is 10 minutes long.

Who is THe Vigilante Cannibal Nun? Maggie Murtagh, otherwise known as The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, was born of the imagination of the artist Carol Murphy. Her story is told in a series of Murphy’s verse-driven performance films called The Body & Blood, launched here at the beginning of 2022 and performed in a UK and Irish theatre tour in 2023. In The Body & Blood, Maggie Murtagh is a young Irish Country Girl who transmogrifies into The Vigilante Cannibal Nun during the Irish Famine, after the death of her family. She steals from the rich to give to the starving poor, eats the colonisers, and destroys her soul. She is the living dead.


Episode 23: Waking up in Your Husband’s Wet Dream & Love on The Electric Chair
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 23: Waking up in Your Husband’s Wet Dream & Love on The Electric Chair

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this fictional comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from my muck-raking fans to seek advice about all the times they royally destroyed any respect from their friends like the time they visited a nature reserve in Africa during a hurricane and let all the vampire alligators free before it started and it ended up a blood bath. Still, as your favourite Vigilante Cannibal Nun Agony Aunt, I love the letters, because there’s not much else to laugh at around here apart from my attempt to sew my face to my ass. So, let’s see what we have in this week’s bucket of shame. Episode 23: Waking up in Your Husband’s Wet Dream and Love on The Electric Chair.

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Episode 22: Ballyhalbert & Monstrous Attitude
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 22: Ballyhalbert & Monstrous Attitude

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this fictional comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from the pasta jar of filth that stores the thoughts, dreams and fuck ups of my fans as they try to salvage their lives from their overblown emotions that went terribly out of control and left them with nothing more than guilt, shame, and blood on their hands. Still, I love each and every one of you, seeing as I empathize with the lost and the losing and because I am perched in limbo until the end of time as your favourite Vigilante Cannibal Nun Agony Aunt. And after that garbled mess of an introduction, there is nothing left for me to do but to welcome you to the show. Welcome to Episode 22: Ballyhalbert & Monstrous Attitude.

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Episode 21: Fannystown & Hip Hop Genius Parasite
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 21: Fannystown & Hip Hop Genius Parasite

Feb but not fab or Feb up already? What happened to January? Time is like rolling thunder without the thunder and certainly without the bells and whistles. Shrug of shoulders. I was not born to be loved. Just thought I’d throw that one in for effect or is it affect. Life is too long and boring to start with that one. Fun. A bit o’ sauce. Laughter. That is what we need and so let’s get cracking. Because I am here to solve two horror and SCI FI emotional problem letters, sent in by fans, in less than 10 minutes…and here we go.

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Episode 20: The Final Girl & OCD Killer
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 20: The Final Girl & OCD Killer

Each week I solve two Horror and SCI FI emotional problems, sent in by my fans, in less than 10 minutes. So, forget about your two-tone aspirations to have a life of genuine happiness or fasting on a yoga holiday retreat because, get this, you will always be bloated. Just accept it. Clothes never feel right on you, but we all know that naked and blood thirsty wearing nothing, but a dicky bow is a better look.

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Episode 19: Purgatorial Curtains & How To Maintain a Tidy Limbo
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 19: Purgatorial Curtains & How To Maintain a Tidy Limbo

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from the cesspool of iniquity that all you horror and sci fi fans are dwelling whether that’s in or out of your mind, the future, past, present, or in a medieval sponging house - I get all sorts - cutting across time and space to send me their problems in the hope that I won’t laugh and will indeed give them solutions to one particular problem only to walk into a multitude more. It’s like the asbestos in the talc - you’re never going to solve that problem and yet it smells so good. So let it roll, like God’s wheel, and plan for the next disaster! But don’t expect perfection. Where’s the fun in that?

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Episode 18: Love is Dead & The Spell
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 18: Love is Dead & The Spell

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from our perennially horror-stricken gaggle of fake paranormal found footage limbo freaks to find a solution to their nihilistic but loving it problems, whilst sending them on a ghost ship into the wilds of their pain-stained psyches to accept the fact that it is ok to be dull. No!!! they cry. Not dull, ehhh banal. Ok, phew, that’s better.

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Episode 17: 10 Ways To End The Christmas Silly Season And Fall Back Down To Banality
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 17: 10 Ways To End The Christmas Silly Season And Fall Back Down To Banality

Firstly, I was walking through a field of grass the other day in the midnight sun or some time during the day that is equally poetic, and I was confronted with a series of randomly placed, perhaps strategically placed, target practice boards that shot up all around me, like a rake you step on that hits you on your now broken nose, blood streaming down your face, waves of pain pulsating through your head as if miraculously connected to the lunar cycles. So these target practice boards popped up as cut-outs of Chaka Khan in her finest 1978 stage, mind you any stage with her is a winner, with or without the fangs.

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Episode 16: New Year’s Resolutions for Zombies
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 16: New Year’s Resolutions for Zombies

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from our perpetually discomforted collective noun of listeners to find a solution to their sadomasochistic flip-flop personalities, whilst sending them on time travel back to the Spanish Inquisition to be keel hauled or to the horror version of the Sack of Rome to be shot. Their choice. Welcome to Episode 16: New Year’s Resolutions for Zombies. Let’s get real for a second and admit that we are all walking backward, blindfolded, in and out of our own existence with only ten to twelve commodity fetishes to ease our pain, my favourite being the crimper that I use on my hair to delude myself that I look like Kate Bush circa 1979. WOW indeed.

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Episode 15: Top 10 Tips on How To Deal With Your Narcissistic Parents Over Christmas
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 15: Top 10 Tips on How To Deal With Your Narcissistic Parents Over Christmas

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from our horror listeners, to find a solution to their wind up merchant debacles and then laugh at their expense and for the pleasure of all Santa’s vampire reindeers, paranormal wives and demonic elves put together whilst gurning for the film of my life that is running in my head but not in a cinema near you any time soon. Welcome to episode 15 TOP Ten TIPS ON HOW TO DEAL WITH YOUR NARCISSISTIC PARENTS OVER CHRISTMAS…that’s the one….yes, we are talking about the parents who really shouldn’t have had you or any of your brothers or sisters in their game of a psychologically horrific marriage that they call home, on this Christmas Eve, the day before what is probably the worst day of the year for y’uns. But I am here to help, and you know my motto. When you are truly miserable and at the end of your tether, prepare for a dystopian hell to come so that your present condition will feel like stinging agony by comparison. And if that makes sense to you, then you are truly screwed from this Christmas forward.

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Episode 14: Top Ten Presents To Buy Your Partner When You Want To Ditch Them On New Year’s Day
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 14: Top Ten Presents To Buy Your Partner When You Want To Ditch Them On New Year’s Day

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from my horror fans, indulge in their Christmas folly, sever a crazed outlier turkey leg or five with a Kenwood 28cm Electric Carving Knife or make love to a spiked Faux Snow Tipped Mountain Pine Christmas Tree that is addicted to snorting talcum powder, then laugh at the expense of their paltry addictions and for  the cost of everyone else’s drunken Christmas avoidance techniques. Welcome to episode 14: Top Ten Presents to buy your partner for Christmas when you want to ditch them on New Year’s Day.

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Episode 13: I Hate Christmas, What Should I Do? & The Christmas Fairy Texas Chainsaw Killer
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 13: I Hate Christmas, What Should I Do? & The Christmas Fairy Texas Chainsaw Killer

In the bleak mid-winter, The Vigilante Cannibal Nun felt cold and alone and angry and horny all at the same time. And I am sticking to my guns in that I will never ever ever ever EVER eat sprouts. Colonizers, that’s what I eat, and lots of them, with their red coats and mansion houses and entitlement issues that are not issues as they feel no guilt. Hurrah for Limbo and loneliness, which gives me all the time in the world to solve two weekly horror / SCI FI emotional problems, sent in by fans, in around 10 minutes, give or take a fentanyl lollipop.

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Episode 12: Alien Chihuahua & Silent Temper
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 12: Alien Chihuahua & Silent Temper

For once in my life, I have someone who needs me, like a giant hole in the head, blasted with  a possessed AK47 left to rust in the cold and wet and itching to get used and abused so that it can bite back. Who says romance is dead? Me! The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, that’s who, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t laugh at your stupid mistakes when in love or out of love or hovering around contempt. We’re all just plain bored, and that’s why you’re listening to me, your least favourite Agony Aunt, of the eating the colonizers kind, and yes I do like chocolate with my chips.

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Episode 11: King Henry VIII & The Killer Chair
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 11: King Henry VIII & The Killer Chair

Firstly, Feckn feel good films hi, who needs them? Hello, is it me you’re looking for??? The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, and no, I’m not parading around in frilly underwear, neither am I running for Fanny of the Week…But I’m still your least favourite Agony Aunt, of the eating the colonisers, but not the mushrooms, kind. Each week I solve two horror and SCI FI emotional problems, sent in by my fans, in less than 10 minutes. So, forget about your willful sexual fantasies and the girl next door with the mountain of neurosis including a vampire bunny crossing as a psychotic wolf, and here we go, jumping out of the frying pan straight into the cauldron and lapping up the time-warped lace around thigh-high stretch marks, or someone else’s wet dream. Rationality is for the birds man, I mean, hi.

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Episode 10: Nutella Woman & WTF Happened to Catherine?
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 10: Nutella Woman & WTF Happened to Catherine?

Here I am, The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, and no, I did not fly head-first, crashing into the earth’s atmosphere, only to avoid hitting planet earth. Neither did I careen straight into a parallel universe called oblivion…..Noooooo….I just ate a few colonisers during the Irish Famine and ended up in Limbo. So sue me. You can learn from my mistakes as your favorite Agony Aunt, here for your pleasure but mostly because you defaulted from your own personal limbo called boredom to seek a little something from The Vigilante Cannibal Nun. Moi.

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Episode 9: Top Ten Tips To Survive a Relationship From Hell
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 9: Top Ten Tips To Survive a Relationship From Hell

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from our hellza poppin listeners, to find a solution to their relationship horror dysfunction, fail good, then better, then laugh up my giant sleeve at their expense and for everyone else’s pleasure, hi.  Welcome to episode 9, Top Ten Tips to Survive A Relationship From Hell. Rev up your chainsaws for some good old-fashioned terror…..and here we go….

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Episode 8: Robot or Not Robot & Traumatized Monster
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 8: Robot or Not Robot & Traumatized Monster

Here I am, The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, sitting in limbo, punished for eating a colonizer or ten back in the day. And no, I am not riding on the back of a Donkey, nor am I wearing Grecian 2000, and I can safely say that my underwear is clean, which is the least that I can say for my thoughts, but they are my own, because, get this, I am the sovereign of my mind and soul and no one else thinks for me…and lookee here at where I’ve landed with all my filth…..purgatory. But what of it? You can learn from my mistakes as your favorite Agony Aunt, here for your pleasure but mostly PAIN…as in Bring the Pain…a la Method Man. Hot hot hot, hi. That’s him. Me me me…Each week I solve two horror and SCI FI emotional problems, sent in by my “F”ing bastard fans, in less than 10 minutes. So stick your irons in the fire and prepare to be brandished and here we go!

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Episode 7: Masked Balls & Sexy Monstrous Bastards
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 7: Masked Balls & Sexy Monstrous Bastards

From Nebuchadnezzar toPol Pot to smoking pot and eating the colonizers…..been there, done that, thinks The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, so you better make your letters good ’uns and worth their weight in angst, because I’m bored out of my tiny mind, hi. But wild horses couldn’t drag me away…because I am bally dead, but, from one rolling stone to another, I like the “Let’s do some living, after we die” bit, and I would add “hi” to that if I were you, as in, “Let’s do some living, after we die, hi.” And who is this rolling stone, the one talking, no one but your friendly, on occasion, neighborhood Vigilante Cannibal Nun, that’s who!

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Episode 6: Higher Up The Vegetable Chain & Footless Adultery
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 6: Higher Up The Vegetable Chain & Footless Adultery

I howl like the wolf because I am your host of this fictional comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from our gruesomely contested and out of their tidy minds listeners, to find a solution to their emotional woes, fail, then laugh at their misfortune, at their expense and for everyone else’s pleasure, hi.  Welcome to episode 6, Higher Up The Vegetable Chain & Footless Adultery.

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Episode 5: Revenge of The Redcoat & It’s The Dummy, Dummy
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 5: Revenge of The Redcoat & It’s The Dummy, Dummy

Only a quiet howl like the wolf today, because, there’s a lot of dead souls hanging around in this ethereal living dead limbo land in which I am trapped, but in which I’m having quite a good time, reading letters from a bunch of horrific losers, I mean, horror fans, helping me contextualize my misery, in all honesty, it ain’t half bad. But I bumped into The Military Redcoat, the English soldier I killed, and subsequently ate, all in the name of Irish freedom, back in the mid 19th century day, loitering around with his cut-throat and guts hanging out, on the prowl for revenge, hi. But, the show must go on because I am your host of this fictional comedy horror SCI FI podcast, where, every Tuesday, I read two letters from my horror fans, then ridicule their problems at their expense and for everyone else’s pleasure, hi. 

And look, there is a new arrival on my “feck away off” doormat. A letter. And it’s from The Military Red Coat! Yikes….Welcome to episode 5 – Revenge of The Redcoat & It’s the Dummy, Dummy.

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Episode 4: Terrorize Me & No Way Out
Carol Murphy Carol Murphy

Episode 4: Terrorize Me & No Way Out

Welcome to Episode 4 of The Vigilante Cannibal Nun as Agony Aunt, a fictional, comedy, horror and SCI FI podcast. Each week, The Vigilante Cannibal Nun, live from limbo as the living dead reads two letters from her horror fans, and pisses all over them, at their expense and for everyone else’s pleasure.

Her first letter, "Terrorize Me" is from Christine somewhere in the 1980s who wants to be terrorized to feel alive, hi.

Her second letter is "No Way Out" from Carol, but not of the Murphy, from London circa 1965, who is having sex with the men she hallucinates coming out of the walls of her flat. In other words, she’s mad, hi.

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